StreamWiki: Enabling Viewers of Knowledge Sharing Live Streams to Collaboratively Generate Archival Documentation for Effective In-Stream and Post Hoc Learning

Zhicong Lu, Seongkook Heo, and Daniel Wigdor. 2018. StreamWiki: Enabling Viewers of Knowledge Sharing Live Streams to Collaboratively Generate Archival Documentation for Effective In-Stream and Post-Hoc Learning. In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 2, CSCW, Article 112 (November 2018). ACM, New York, NY. 26 pages.

  09 Aug 2018


Knowledge-sharing live streams are distinct from traditional educational videos, at least because of the large concurrently-viewing audience and the real-time discussions between viewers and the streamer. Though this creates unique opportunities for interactive learning, it also brings a challenge for creating a useful archive for post hoc learning. This paper presents the results of interviews with knowledge sharing streamers, their moderators, and viewers to understand current experiences and needs for sharing and learning knowledge through live streaming. Based on those findings, we built StreamWiki, a tool which leverages the viewers during live streams to produce useful archives of the interactive learning experience. On StreamWiki, moderators initiate tasks that viewers complete by conducting microtasks, such as writing a summary, commenting, and voting for informative comments. As a result, a summary document is built in real time. Through the tests of our prototype with streamers and viewers, we found that StreamWiki could help understanding the content and the context of the stream, during the stream and for post hoc learning.
